- http://blog.gufang.org/
- 2011/5/12 14:20:00
- 来源:Gufang's Private Space
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Sir yes sir!长官,是长官!
How 'bout some action?来点新任务,怎么样?
Can do!没问题!
Who's next?下一个是谁?
Movein' out!出发!
Got it!明白!
On my way!在路上!
Double time!时间加倍!
On the move!移动中!
You got it!在你那里!
Enemy sighted!发现敌人!
Let's do it!行动!
Diggin' in!渗透!
Safety first, sir!安全第一,长官!
We're pinned down!受到火力压制!
We're being attacked!遭到攻击!
Waiting orders.待命中。
Conscript reporting.动员兵报告。
Movin' out.出发。
Order received.命令收到。
For the Union.为了苏维埃。
For the whole country.为了整个国家。
You are sure?你肯定?
For Mother Russia! 为祖国母亲!
We're being attacked!遭到攻击!
I have the tools.我有工具。
I've got the knowledge.我会修。
Need a repair?需要修理吗?
Yes sir!是,长官!
I won't be late.我准时到。
We'll have the power up in 30 seconds, sir.我们将在30秒内实现供电,长官。
Analyzing schematics.分析图表中。
Studying blue prints.研究计划中。
Got the plans right here.计划恰能实现!。
Get me outa here!让我离开这!
I'm unarmed!我是非武装人员!(废话!)
Tools ready.工具已备齐。
I have the information.我知道。
Something need fixing?有东西要修理? (半废话,你的一大重任就是修东西)
I know how it works.我知道它怎么工作。
I will go.我就去。
Checking designs.检查方案。
Examining diagrams.检验图表。
Tesla suit ready!磁暴服着装完毕!
Charging up.充能完毕。
Electrodes ready!电极就绪!
Checking connection.检查连接。
Going to source.为磁暴线圈充电。
Surging forward!前进!
Electrician in the field.我们是战场上的“电工”。
Rubber shoes in motion.我们穿橡胶鞋运动。
2,000 volts coming up!2000伏高压袭来!
He's fried.他被“煎”了。
Completing circuit.电路完善中。
Let the juice flow.释放磁流体。
Commencing Shock therapy.开始电震疗法。
You've been discharged.你被放电了。
Ground yourselves!就地找好掩蔽!
I'm hit!我被打了!
Rockets in the sky。已在空中。
All Fired up!全部点火!
Check out the view.瞭望中。
I can go anywhere!畅行无阻!
Gotta clear view, sir.视野必须开阔,长官。
Ready to soar.准备升空。
Fuel tanks are filled.燃料罐满装。
Pushin' away.助推。
Lgniting boosters.推进器点火。
Running High.高处巡航。
Up and over.升高并越过。
Got a steady flow.平稳漂移。
I'll take the high road.我将控制空路。
Lifting off.停止上升。
He's got no place to hide.敌人无处可藏。
I can see 'em.敌人可见。
I got 'em Clear out the place.区域内敌人已清除干净。
They won't see us comin‘.敌人看不见我们来袭。
I'm losing compression!压缩机受损!
There's too much flak!防空火力太猛!
My rocket's hit!推进器被击中!
Psychic ready.心灵控制准备就绪。
I know your thoughts.我知道你的心思。
Tell me your wish.告诉我你的愿望。(知道了还问?)
Your mind is clear.你的头脑很清晰。(马上就不清晰……)
The mind is quicker than the eye.精神比眼睛敏锐。(当然,但是……)
Yes, of course.是的,当然。
Thoughts received.想法收到。 (我是你的仆)
My command is your wish.我的命令就是你的愿望。 (带有恐怖的哲理!)
He belongs to us.他属于我们。
His mind is weak.他的精神衰弱。
There is no resistance.没有反抗。
A new comrade joins us.一个新同志加入我们了。(愈多愈……)
Look deeply into my eyes 深深地看着我的双眼。 (比情人的眼还具杀伤力)
Boris has arrived.鲍里斯来了。(比康熙来了恐怖……)
Boris is here.鲍里斯在这。
HUH!You can touch me?!呼!你能碰到我?!(我有米格我怕谁!枪打不死你也要让米格炸死你!)
Who's is next?!谁是下一个枪下鬼?
It is I, Boris! 这是我,鲍里斯。
I have no fear.我无所畏惧。
Let the games begin.游戏开始。(敢玩的人不多)
Your no match for Boris.你们比我差远了。(狂!)
Yes ,Comrade General.是的,将军同志。
Let's light them up.让他们泛红光。
Don't mess with me.别打搅我工作。
There's nothing I cannot do!我无所不能。(更狂!)
This will be easy . 太简单了。
Boris agrees. 我同意。
Ihave an important mission. 我要务在身。
Russia's fate is with me. 祖国的命运与我同在。(热血澎湃!)
Die traitorous dogs! 去死吧,狗样的叛徒!
Eat lead. 尝尝铅丸(米格扔的炸弹)。
They are attacking us! 遭到攻击!
It's very bad here,comrade!这太糟了,同志!
I'm hit! 被打了!
We must have reinforcements! 我们需要增援!
Bring on the MIGs.呼叫米格。
Boris reporting. 鲍里斯报道。
I'm not swimming out there! Get me an Armored Transport
from Shipyard .那里游不过去!叫船坞来辆装甲运输艇。(精英也有气短时)
Yuri is master 尤里是主人
I am but a student 我只是学生
There is much to learn! 需要学习的太多了!
He has taught us well 他很好地指导了我们
Learning the path 探路
Hail to the great Yuri 向伟大的尤里致敬
Enlighten me尤里启迪着我
I understand 明白
I don't need matches 我无须火柴
Focusing energy! 集中能量!
Look! No hands! 看啊 (他们)毫无本事
Guns are to messy 枪(对我来说)太次了
Give me strength, Yuri! 请赐予我力量 尤里
Fire out of control! 火焰喷射失控
It's hard to focus 火焰难以集中
My life for Yuri! 我愿为尤里献身
Nonbelivers! (我)不信上帝(尤里即是上帝!)
Is there problem? 有问题么
My tools are yours 我的工具为您服务
How can I assist? 我怎样帮上忙?
I'm your handyman 我是给您打杂的
Technician on duty 技师执勤中
Smooth operations 很轻松的行动
Where is trouble 有麻烦么?
May I help? 我可以帮忙么?
I will investigate 我会去审查的
Repairman on the move! 修理工出发!
Nice architecture! 多精美的建筑啊!
This won't take much time 这用不了多长时间
I am working 工作中
Inspecting foreplan 检查之前的计划
Help us! 救命!
I'm only engineer! 我只是工程师!
I am wounded! 我受伤了!
I lost my tools! 我丢失了工具!
Hey, that hurt! 嘿,那会伤人的!
Viral agent ready 病毒狙击手就绪
Free inoculations 疫苗无效
Here comes the plague 瘟疫来了
I am so very contagious 我最擅长制造瘟疫
Flu shots anyone? 用流感来射击谁?
Which way is the wind blowing? 风正吹过哪条路?
Nasty bug going around 到处爬满了令人作呕的虫子
Virus speading 病毒正传播开来
Just get me in range 让我进入射程即可
Time to infect 传染的时机到了
No cure for this 这个无法治愈
How about a nice shot in the arm?来一针强心剂如何?
This may sting a little (被射中)会出现点刺痛之感
Taste my venom 尝尝我的毒液
Mmm, better got to the clinic 恩,最好送医院
I cannot hold them off 我防不住他们
I need an antidote 我急需解毒剂
I'm in to close 我靠得太近了
I feel sick 我感觉病了
I'm hit 我受伤了
Give me something to brake! 给我点东西来撕撕!
I want to play! 我想玩玩!
I like big toys! 我喜爱大号的玩具
Ready to crush! 准备好破坏了
Turn me loose! 放开我!
Is clobbering time, no? 摧毁的时机来了,不是么?
Okay !可以!
Goody! 好啊
Come to Pappa! 到爸爸这儿来
Them not my friend 他们不是我朋友
Give me your lunch money! 把你午餐的钱给我!(你就是我的午餐!)
It's play time 到整你时间了
I will brake you! 我要把你撕碎!
Ouch! That hurt! 哎哟,那会伤人的
I wanna go home 我想回家(不想玩了)
I was only playing 我只是闹着玩的
You make me mad! 你把我逼疯了
There's only one true Yuri 只有一个真正的尤里
I'm here 我在这儿
You disturb me? 您来烦我么?
You will learn from me 您会从我这儿受益匪浅
Be up on mind精神点
Your orders,my ideas 您决定我的主意
Yes, my exquisite mind 是的,我有无比卓越的思维
Your thoughts are mine 您的想法就是我所要的
Most unimaginated (这)最无法想象
You will move me there 您会让我到那儿的
Yes, I know 是的,我清楚
I have taught you well 我已把你教得很出色
A trivial matter 一桩琐碎的小事
I've seen this already 我已经预见到了
He will be ours 他会是我们的(人)
I bring you peace 我会让你平静下来
I foresaw this need 我预见到了这种需要
He will listern 他会听从的
He shall serve me well 他会乐意地效忠于我
Another opponent joins us 另一个对手加入了我们
Come to Yuri 到尤里这儿来
I sense trouble 我觉察到了麻烦
This could be a problem 这很成问题
I did not forsee this 我没有预知到它
I cannot be overcome 我不能被征服
I am my own master, always 我是我自己的主人,永远
A pathetic attempt 可怜的企图
Fool, You can't control me 傻瓜,你不能控制我
Tanks are no match.坦克不是我的对手。
We're uncrushable! 我们是压不烂的。
Let's show'em what we got. 让敌人见识下我们的家伙。
Solid as a rock, Sir.坚如磐石,长官。
On the mark, Sir. 没错,长官。
Sir,yes sir.长官,是的长官。
Right away, Sir. 立刻出发,长官
Repositioning. 转移中。
Affirmative, Sir. 是的,长官
Let's move out. 出发。
He's mine. 他归我收拾。
They want a scrap? 它们想变成渣?
We'll take' em. 我们会干掉它们。
I'm all over him. 我要全部扫清他们。
I need a medic. 我要治疗。
It's too much. 重创。
I'm hit bad. 我伤得很重。
I can't take anymore. 顶不住了。
They're right on top of me. 我压不住他们。
Gravity suit secured. 太空服已确认安全。
Cosmonaut reporting. 宇航员报到。
Gravity? What's that? 重力?什么东西?(暴汗!)
Pressure gauges normal.压力传感器正常。
Russian space ace.苏维埃太空部队的王牌。
Rocketpacks fully charged. 燃料箱满载。
Boosters engaged.增压器工作。
Shifting thrusters.推进器改向。
Fuel mix optimized. 燃料混合状态最佳。
Light and fast.轻盈又快捷。
Tracking target.跟踪目标。
Beam intensity locked.激光强度锁定。
Lasers at full power. 激光达到最高态。
Time for Laser show!激光发射!
It's hard to manoeuvre.部署困难。
Vacuum suit is failing.太空服真空失效。
Fuelcells damaged.燃料单元受损。
Can't... breath!快……憋死了!
Flak trooper reporting.防空兵报到。
At least I have a job.至少我有任务了。
I am going.我正在去。
Movin’ out.出发。
This gun is heavy.火箭筒很沉。
Flak attack.对空攻击。
This will be messy. 一片混乱。
Clouds of death.死亡之云。
Flak you!射击!
Can't see through the flak.视线受阻。
There shooting me.那里向我射击。
Help me!Romanov.救我,诺曼罗夫。
I'm just one man.我孤身一人。
Gimme a plan.给我一个计划。
Agent ready.好了。
For King and Country.为元首和国家。
Under cover.隐藏良好。
Operation underway.行动实施中。
Disguise ready.伪装好了。
Ready to infiltrate.准备渗透。
Obtaining intelligence.情报获取中。
They found me out!被发现!
I've been spotted!被揭穿!
Happy Birthday!送你个生日大礼!(是人不敢接!)
Here, hold this.这儿,拿好。
I lost a bomb.又送了一个。
Do you have it?有了吗?(没有就送你一个)
Don't play with matches.别玩火柴。
I'm goin'.将出发。
What's over here?这里有什么?
K-BOOM! 轰!
What's that?那是什么?
Ivan's not home!伊万正忙!
It's too quiet here.这里太静了吧。(用炸弹热闹一下)
SEAL ready.“海豹”准备好了。
I'm your man.我听你指挥。
A C4 knockin' at your door.一个C4送礼上门了。
Who's your daddy?你爹是谁? (最莫名其妙的一句)
Cover me.掩护。
How about a swim?水路前进如何?
Alright, the water's warm!好的,水正暖!
Enemy in my sites!敌人在我的地盘上!
I got `em.我干掉了他们。
This is too easy.小菜一碟。
Special Delivery!(炸弹)专递!(死亡送信人)
Goin' down!下沉!
Desolator ready.辐射喷管准备就绪。
Ready for melt-down.准备溶化敌人。
Reactor ready.反应器就绪。
Mercury rising.水银上升。
Find a hot spot.寻找热闹的区域。
Scorched Earth.一片焦土。
Spread the Doom.末日开始。
There goes the neighborhood.前往附近。
It'll be a Silent Spring.攻击后一片死寂。
Tagged for extinction.消灭目标。
Make it glow.让他发光。(变绿)
Let's heat `em up.让他们热起来。
Here comes the sun.这里出太阳了。
The end is near.敌人死期将近。
Let's make an oasis of death.让我们造个“死亡绿洲”。
Give me a target.请指定目标。
Gimme a job.请下达任务。
Eliminate 'em.清除敌人。
Proceeding to vantage point.运动到有利地势。
Just gimme a clear view.广阔的视野即可。
I love to camp.我喜欢蹲点。
Just get me close enough.只要更近一点。
Settling in.深入中。
Takin' 'em out.清理掉敌人。
He's in my scope.他在我射程内。
He's a dead man.他是个死人。 (扣动扳机前最后的话)
Run for cover!撤退并搜寻隐蔽点!
I need support!我需要支援!
I'm in too close!我靠的太近了!
Yes, Commander.是的,指挥官。
Already there.已到。
I'm gone.我去了。
Pick a spot.挑一个地点。
Without a trace.没有踪迹。(来无影,去无踪)
They're history.他们成为历史。(精辟!)
Deconstructing Never existed.分解后彻底消失。
I don't have time for this!我没时间干这个!
Let's get outa here!让我们离开这!
I‘m so good!我很棒!
Anytime boss.随时可供差遣,老板。
You got an order?你得到了命令?
Where's the party?“聚会”在哪儿?(不是精英请勿参加,否则自己付钱买棺材)
Show me the way.给我指路。
How 'bout some action.来些任务,如何?
I'm there.我在那里。
How about a target?!找个目标怎样?!
Moving out,boss.移出,老板。
I'm on it.已在目标区。
Shake it,baby! 让它塌掉,宝贝(指C4)!
Charging! 冲!(谭雅的口头禅)
Locked and loaded.锁定并装弹。
Sir yes sir!长官,是长官!
How 'bout some action?来点新任务,怎么样?
Can do!没问题!
Who's next?下一个是谁?
Movein' out!出发!
Got it!明白!
On my way!在路上!
Double time!时间加倍!
On the move!移动中!
You got it!在你那里!
Enemy sighted!发现敌人!
Let's do it!行动!
Diggin' in!渗透!
Safety first, sir!安全第一,长官!
We're pinned down!受到火力压制!
We're being attacked!遭到攻击!
Waiting orders.待命中。
Conscript reporting.动员兵报告。
Movin' out.出发。
Order received.命令收到。
For the Union.为了苏维埃。
For the whole country.为了整个国家。
You are sure?你肯定?
For Mother Russia! 为祖国母亲!
We're being attacked!遭到攻击!
I have the tools.我有工具。
I've got the knowledge.我会修。
Need a repair?需要修理吗?
Yes sir!是,长官!
I won't be late.我准时到。
We'll have the power up in 30 seconds, sir.我们将在30秒内实现供电,长官。
Analyzing schematics.分析图表中。
Studying blue prints.研究计划中。
Got the plans right here.计划恰能实现!。
Get me outa here!让我离开这!
I'm unarmed!我是非武装人员!(废话!)
Tools ready.工具已备齐。
I have the information.我知道。
Something need fixing?有东西要修理? (半废话,你的一大重任就是修东西)
I know how it works.我知道它怎么工作。
I will go.我就去。
Checking designs.检查方案。
Examining diagrams.检验图表。
Tesla suit ready!磁暴服着装完毕!
Charging up.充能完毕。
Electrodes ready!电极就绪!
Checking connection.检查连接。
Going to source.为磁暴线圈充电。
Surging forward!前进!
Electrician in the field.我们是战场上的“电工”。
Rubber shoes in motion.我们穿橡胶鞋运动。
2,000 volts coming up!2000伏高压袭来!
He's fried.他被“煎”了。
Completing circuit.电路完善中。
Let the juice flow.释放磁流体。
Commencing Shock therapy.开始电震疗法。
You've been discharged.你被放电了。
Ground yourselves!就地找好掩蔽!
I'm hit!我被打了!
Rockets in the sky。已在空中。
All Fired up!全部点火!
Check out the view.瞭望中。
I can go anywhere!畅行无阻!
Gotta clear view, sir.视野必须开阔,长官。
Ready to soar.准备升空。
Fuel tanks are filled.燃料罐满装。
Pushin' away.助推。
Lgniting boosters.推进器点火。
Running High.高处巡航。
Up and over.升高并越过。
Got a steady flow.平稳漂移。
I'll take the high road.我将控制空路。
Lifting off.停止上升。
He's got no place to hide.敌人无处可藏。
I can see 'em.敌人可见。
I got 'em Clear out the place.区域内敌人已清除干净。
They won't see us comin‘.敌人看不见我们来袭。
I'm losing compression!压缩机受损!
There's too much flak!防空火力太猛!
My rocket's hit!推进器被击中!
Psychic ready.心灵控制准备就绪。
I know your thoughts.我知道你的心思。
Tell me your wish.告诉我你的愿望。(知道了还问?)
Your mind is clear.你的头脑很清晰。(马上就不清晰……)
The mind is quicker than the eye.精神比眼睛敏锐。(当然,但是……)
Yes, of course.是的,当然。
Thoughts received.想法收到。 (我是你的仆)
My command is your wish.我的命令就是你的愿望。 (带有恐怖的哲理!)
He belongs to us.他属于我们。
His mind is weak.他的精神衰弱。
There is no resistance.没有反抗。
A new comrade joins us.一个新同志加入我们了。(愈多愈……)
Look deeply into my eyes 深深地看着我的双眼。 (比情人的眼还具杀伤力)
Boris has arrived.鲍里斯来了。(比康熙来了恐怖……)
Boris is here.鲍里斯在这。
HUH!You can touch me?!呼!你能碰到我?!(我有米格我怕谁!枪打不死你也要让米格炸死你!)
Who's is next?!谁是下一个枪下鬼?
It is I, Boris! 这是我,鲍里斯。
I have no fear.我无所畏惧。
Let the games begin.游戏开始。(敢玩的人不多)
Your no match for Boris.你们比我差远了。(狂!)
Yes ,Comrade General.是的,将军同志。
Let's light them up.让他们泛红光。
Don't mess with me.别打搅我工作。
There's nothing I cannot do!我无所不能。(更狂!)
This will be easy . 太简单了。
Boris agrees. 我同意。
Ihave an important mission. 我要务在身。
Russia's fate is with me. 祖国的命运与我同在。(热血澎湃!)
Die traitorous dogs! 去死吧,狗样的叛徒!
Eat lead. 尝尝铅丸(米格扔的炸弹)。
They are attacking us! 遭到攻击!
It's very bad here,comrade!这太糟了,同志!
I'm hit! 被打了!
We must have reinforcements! 我们需要增援!
Bring on the MIGs.呼叫米格。
Boris reporting. 鲍里斯报道。
I'm not swimming out there! Get me an Armored Transport
from Shipyard .那里游不过去!叫船坞来辆装甲运输艇。(精英也有气短时)
Yuri is master 尤里是主人
I am but a student 我只是学生
There is much to learn! 需要学习的太多了!
He has taught us well 他很好地指导了我们
Learning the path 探路
Hail to the great Yuri 向伟大的尤里致敬
Enlighten me尤里启迪着我
I understand 明白
I don't need matches 我无须火柴
Focusing energy! 集中能量!
Look! No hands! 看啊 (他们)毫无本事
Guns are to messy 枪(对我来说)太次了
Give me strength, Yuri! 请赐予我力量 尤里
Fire out of control! 火焰喷射失控
It's hard to focus 火焰难以集中
My life for Yuri! 我愿为尤里献身
Nonbelivers! (我)不信上帝(尤里即是上帝!)
Is there problem? 有问题么
My tools are yours 我的工具为您服务
How can I assist? 我怎样帮上忙?
I'm your handyman 我是给您打杂的
Technician on duty 技师执勤中
Smooth operations 很轻松的行动
Where is trouble 有麻烦么?
May I help? 我可以帮忙么?
I will investigate 我会去审查的
Repairman on the move! 修理工出发!
Nice architecture! 多精美的建筑啊!
This won't take much time 这用不了多长时间
I am working 工作中
Inspecting foreplan 检查之前的计划
Help us! 救命!
I'm only engineer! 我只是工程师!
I am wounded! 我受伤了!
I lost my tools! 我丢失了工具!
Hey, that hurt! 嘿,那会伤人的!
Viral agent ready 病毒狙击手就绪
Free inoculations 疫苗无效
Here comes the plague 瘟疫来了
I am so very contagious 我最擅长制造瘟疫
Flu shots anyone? 用流感来射击谁?
Which way is the wind blowing? 风正吹过哪条路?
Nasty bug going around 到处爬满了令人作呕的虫子
Virus speading 病毒正传播开来
Just get me in range 让我进入射程即可
Time to infect 传染的时机到了
No cure for this 这个无法治愈
How about a nice shot in the arm?来一针强心剂如何?
This may sting a little (被射中)会出现点刺痛之感
Taste my venom 尝尝我的毒液
Mmm, better got to the clinic 恩,最好送医院
I cannot hold them off 我防不住他们
I need an antidote 我急需解毒剂
I'm in to close 我靠得太近了
I feel sick 我感觉病了
I'm hit 我受伤了
Give me something to brake! 给我点东西来撕撕!
I want to play! 我想玩玩!
I like big toys! 我喜爱大号的玩具
Ready to crush! 准备好破坏了
Turn me loose! 放开我!
Is clobbering time, no? 摧毁的时机来了,不是么?
Okay !可以!
Goody! 好啊
Come to Pappa! 到爸爸这儿来
Them not my friend 他们不是我朋友
Give me your lunch money! 把你午餐的钱给我!(你就是我的午餐!)
It's play time 到整你时间了
I will brake you! 我要把你撕碎!
Ouch! That hurt! 哎哟,那会伤人的
I wanna go home 我想回家(不想玩了)
I was only playing 我只是闹着玩的
You make me mad! 你把我逼疯了
There's only one true Yuri 只有一个真正的尤里
I'm here 我在这儿
You disturb me? 您来烦我么?
You will learn from me 您会从我这儿受益匪浅
Be up on mind精神点
Your orders,my ideas 您决定我的主意
Yes, my exquisite mind 是的,我有无比卓越的思维
Your thoughts are mine 您的想法就是我所要的
Most unimaginated (这)最无法想象
You will move me there 您会让我到那儿的
Yes, I know 是的,我清楚
I have taught you well 我已把你教得很出色
A trivial matter 一桩琐碎的小事
I've seen this already 我已经预见到了
He will be ours 他会是我们的(人)
I bring you peace 我会让你平静下来
I foresaw this need 我预见到了这种需要
He will listern 他会听从的
He shall serve me well 他会乐意地效忠于我
Another opponent joins us 另一个对手加入了我们
Come to Yuri 到尤里这儿来
I sense trouble 我觉察到了麻烦
This could be a problem 这很成问题
I did not forsee this 我没有预知到它
I cannot be overcome 我不能被征服
I am my own master, always 我是我自己的主人,永远
A pathetic attempt 可怜的企图
Fool, You can't control me 傻瓜,你不能控制我
Tanks are no match.坦克不是我的对手。
We're uncrushable! 我们是压不烂的。
Let's show'em what we got. 让敌人见识下我们的家伙。
Solid as a rock, Sir.坚如磐石,长官。
On the mark, Sir. 没错,长官。
Sir,yes sir.长官,是的长官。
Right away, Sir. 立刻出发,长官
Repositioning. 转移中。
Affirmative, Sir. 是的,长官
Let's move out. 出发。
He's mine. 他归我收拾。
They want a scrap? 它们想变成渣?
We'll take' em. 我们会干掉它们。
I'm all over him. 我要全部扫清他们。
I need a medic. 我要治疗。
It's too much. 重创。
I'm hit bad. 我伤得很重。
I can't take anymore. 顶不住了。
They're right on top of me. 我压不住他们。
Gravity suit secured. 太空服已确认安全。
Cosmonaut reporting. 宇航员报到。
Gravity? What's that? 重力?什么东西?(暴汗!)
Pressure gauges normal.压力传感器正常。
Russian space ace.苏维埃太空部队的王牌。
Rocketpacks fully charged. 燃料箱满载。
Boosters engaged.增压器工作。
Shifting thrusters.推进器改向。
Fuel mix optimized. 燃料混合状态最佳。
Light and fast.轻盈又快捷。
Tracking target.跟踪目标。
Beam intensity locked.激光强度锁定。
Lasers at full power. 激光达到最高态。
Time for Laser show!激光发射!
It's hard to manoeuvre.部署困难。
Vacuum suit is failing.太空服真空失效。
Fuelcells damaged.燃料单元受损。
Can't... breath!快……憋死了!
Flak trooper reporting.防空兵报到。
At least I have a job.至少我有任务了。
I am going.我正在去。
Movin’ out.出发。
This gun is heavy.火箭筒很沉。
Flak attack.对空攻击。
This will be messy. 一片混乱。
Clouds of death.死亡之云。
Flak you!射击!
Can't see through the flak.视线受阻。
There shooting me.那里向我射击。
Help me!Romanov.救我,诺曼罗夫。
I'm just one man.我孤身一人。
Gimme a plan.给我一个计划。
Agent ready.好了。
For King and Country.为元首和国家。
Under cover.隐藏良好。
Operation underway.行动实施中。
Disguise ready.伪装好了。
Ready to infiltrate.准备渗透。
Obtaining intelligence.情报获取中。
They found me out!被发现!
I've been spotted!被揭穿!
Happy Birthday!送你个生日大礼!(是人不敢接!)
Here, hold this.这儿,拿好。
I lost a bomb.又送了一个。
Do you have it?有了吗?(没有就送你一个)
Don't play with matches.别玩火柴。
I'm goin'.将出发。
What's over here?这里有什么?
K-BOOM! 轰!
What's that?那是什么?
Ivan's not home!伊万正忙!
It's too quiet here.这里太静了吧。(用炸弹热闹一下)
SEAL ready.“海豹”准备好了。
I'm your man.我听你指挥。
A C4 knockin' at your door.一个C4送礼上门了。
Who's your daddy?你爹是谁? (最莫名其妙的一句)
Cover me.掩护。
How about a swim?水路前进如何?
Alright, the water's warm!好的,水正暖!
Enemy in my sites!敌人在我的地盘上!
I got `em.我干掉了他们。
This is too easy.小菜一碟。
Special Delivery!(炸弹)专递!(死亡送信人)
Goin' down!下沉!
Desolator ready.辐射喷管准备就绪。
Ready for melt-down.准备溶化敌人。
Reactor ready.反应器就绪。
Mercury rising.水银上升。
Find a hot spot.寻找热闹的区域。
Scorched Earth.一片焦土。
Spread the Doom.末日开始。
There goes the neighborhood.前往附近。
It'll be a Silent Spring.攻击后一片死寂。
Tagged for extinction.消灭目标。
Make it glow.让他发光。(变绿)
Let's heat `em up.让他们热起来。
Here comes the sun.这里出太阳了。
The end is near.敌人死期将近。
Let's make an oasis of death.让我们造个“死亡绿洲”。
Give me a target.请指定目标。
Gimme a job.请下达任务。
Eliminate 'em.清除敌人。
Proceeding to vantage point.运动到有利地势。
Just gimme a clear view.广阔的视野即可。
I love to camp.我喜欢蹲点。
Just get me close enough.只要更近一点。
Settling in.深入中。
Takin' 'em out.清理掉敌人。
He's in my scope.他在我射程内。
He's a dead man.他是个死人。 (扣动扳机前最后的话)
Run for cover!撤退并搜寻隐蔽点!
I need support!我需要支援!
I'm in too close!我靠的太近了!
Yes, Commander.是的,指挥官。
Already there.已到。
I'm gone.我去了。
Pick a spot.挑一个地点。
Without a trace.没有踪迹。(来无影,去无踪)
They're history.他们成为历史。(精辟!)
Deconstructing Never existed.分解后彻底消失。
I don't have time for this!我没时间干这个!
Let's get outa here!让我们离开这!
I‘m so good!我很棒!
Anytime boss.随时可供差遣,老板。
You got an order?你得到了命令?
Where's the party?“聚会”在哪儿?(不是精英请勿参加,否则自己付钱买棺材)
Show me the way.给我指路。
How 'bout some action.来些任务,如何?
I'm there.我在那里。
How about a target?!找个目标怎样?!
Moving out,boss.移出,老板。
I'm on it.已在目标区。
Shake it,baby! 让它塌掉,宝贝(指C4)!
Charging! 冲!(谭雅的口头禅)
Locked and loaded.锁定并装弹。
- 红警 发表于 2012/1/19 2:08:39
- 上学时候最爱啊!