- http://blog.gufang.org/
- 2013/1/6 2:07:14
- 来源:Gufang's Private Space
- 点击:
Function Remove_HTML(Str)
Dim ilen1, ilen2
Do While InStr(1, Str, "<", 1) >0
ilen1 = InStr(1, Str, "<", 1)
ilen2 = InStr(1, Str, ">", 1)
Str = Left(Str, ilen1 -1) & Mid(Str, ilen2 + 1)
Remove_HTML = Str
End Function
Function RemoveHTMLTag(fString)
Dim re
Set re = New RegExp
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.Pattern = "<(.[^>]*)>"
fString = re.Replace(fString, "")
Set re = Nothing
RemoveHTMLTag = fString
End Function
Function RemoveHTMLTag(str)
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "<[^<>]*>"
re.Global = true
RemoveHTMLTag =re.Replace(str,"")
Set re = Nothing
End Function
Function stripHTML(strHTML)
'Strips the HTML tags from strHTML
Dim objRegExp, strOutput
Set objRegExp = New Regexp
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp.Global = True
objRegExp.Pattern = "<.+?>"
'Replace all HTML tag matches with the empty string
strOutput = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, "")
'Replace all < and > with < and >
strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "<", "<")
strOutput = Replace(strOutput, ">", ">")
stripHTML = strOutput 'Return the value of strOutput
Set objRegExp = Nothing
End Function
Function formatStr(strText)
End Function
function nohtml(str)
dim re
Set re=new RegExp
re.IgnoreCase =true
str=re.replace(str," ")
str=re.replace(str," ")
set re=nothing
end function